Sunday 3 April 2016

Wow, mom of 4 now!

Wow, I have not written a new blog in 5 years! The time has flown by and so much of my life have changed! Hence, the time has come for me to come back to this little space on the Internet for me to share some more! Let's do a little update on life since my last blog post! And it's a lot!

Let's start out with how I am a mom of 4 and the little boy that was just an infant when I started this blog is 5, in kindergarten but still the little crazy monkey he was then.  Since May 2011, we have added 3 new additions to our family. Our little princess was born November 2012, and Thing 1 and Thing 2 joined us October 2014.  Also, we have since moved away from the small little town and back home to Edmonton. Hubby also now work away from home during the week, but I fortunately have my mom helping us out in his absence; and mine as well, since I decided to return to work part time.

Now the name of my blog post seems so fitting with the moving and 4 kids, hubby away and working.  I must of been a psychic! But honestly, so much as happened that I feel that an individual post of all our life events should be made. So long for now, The life update will continue....

Sunday 15 May 2011

Things I Have Learned Thus Far About Being A Parent - 5 &1/2 Months + 40 Weeks of Pregnancy

The journey of parenthood has been a great adventure for myself and my husband.  We have discovered quite a few things along the ways; what we should and should not be doing.  Also the extensive list of decisions we have considered for our little one.  But, I want to start from the beginning, for those of you who do not have children.

It all began mid-March 2010, I started to feel "weird", and I only use that word because it was a little bit of everything, from being sick to my stomach to being so tired that I would sleep for 20 hours (more about pregnancy in a later post).  After two entire weeks of feeling like crap, my husband and I noticed my monthly friend hasn't come around yet, and I'm never late!  So on the morning of March 27, 2010, I tested to see if I may be pregnant....well, I was!  My husband called home on his lunch break that day to find out the results, I do not recall what his reaction was, all I remember was that he came home with another test, and I did the test again that evening.  And the results were in, definitely pregnant!  That day marked a brand new chapter in our lives!

Now to get the ball rolling... Let's start with decisions we have made over the last year or so.

1. First thing was the name of the child.  As most of our friends will recall, my husband had "willed" our BB to be male (which he is), and was determine to name him Leonidas!  This took A LOT of debating and compromising, and the outcome is, he got it as the middle name.

2. Cloth Vs. Disposable:  Most of the people we talked to couldn't understand why that would even be considered.  But, my husband and I are very cost efficient people, so cloth diapers were definitely considered.  The outcome, we cloth diaper!!  This decision was solely made on the cost and whether or not we would be able to handle the laundering process.  As I researched the type and such of cloth diapers, I have become to realize that I am really against using disposable for my children, but this point of view will be another blog post in itself.

3.  Breastfeeding:  This was not really a decision of whether or not I would do it.  It was more how long I am willing to do it for.  Prior to the birth of my BB, I said that he would be taken off as soon as he got any teeth.  But, you guessed it, they have appeared, and I've been bitten.  At this point, I've decided that I am going to breastfeed for as long as my BB is willing to.

4.  What to buy, and how much:  We were given a long list of things to buy prior to BB's arrival, and if you know my hubby, we basically left a lot of things until the last minute.  We received many big ticket items at the shower, which was fantastic!  So, my only advice is to wait until after your shower before buying any big things.

5. Life Insurance, RESPs, Wills...etc.: All I got to say is, "CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK....CHECK!"

We will stop the decision making list here, and start with the things we have learned since the arrival of our BB.

1. Breastfeeding is hard, and you have to work at it!  I was so upset when my BB couldn't latch on, but the joy when it happens is so overwhelming, I almost cried!

2. BB will survive sleeping alone, you don't have to watch them while they sleep.  The first night we brought our BB home, we took turns watching over him, to make sure he was breathing the whole time.

3.  Everyone tells you to sleep when BB sleeps!  DO IT!!!

4. Each "milestone" will be reached when BB is ready to do it!

5. Some nights BB will cry for no reason, and you cannot stop it, which gets you real frustrated!  You will feel like you want to throw them over the balcony, but you will never ever do it, the feeling will pass in a few minutes.

6. BB starts babbling and razzing, its so cute at first....then he does it when its bedtime or during a movie/tv show and now he's annoying!  But, you will still love it nonetheless.

I think that's enough for now, more to come hopefully once a month or so regarding this topic!

Cheers, and see you next blog post!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Things You Never Thought....

The rest of the title would be "Michelle Would Do!", but the truth is, the list can be used to describe many moms out there.  I could of name it, "You Would Do, Until You Become A Mom!", but it was too long.  Enough with the name, let's get started!

#1: I have started to think about consigning mine and my husband's gently used clothes instead of tossing it!  I'm not saying some single ladies or wives are not doing this already, but during my pre-mommy times, I would of toss it or gave it to a friend or family member or Goodwill/Salvation Army.  Please note, we are still planning to donate to Goodwill/Salvation Army, but there are those items that you have only wore once or twice and you keep it until "the next time you have a chance to wear it", those are the items that are really meant for consigning.

#2: Making my own crafts, and possibly thinking of selling them.  Oh, I can see my best friend's face as she's reading those words and laughing out loud in her chair.  But, do you know how many moms out there that are doing the above mentioned thing?!?  I think there is at least 30 in Edmonton alone!  And as far as I'm concern, it's survival of the fittest!  In other words, who can make whatever it may be the best and sell them at the lowest cost!  Also, this would be my "ME" time!

#3: I try to make an effort to cook everyday (from scratch)!  When my husband and I first got married, we ate out 3-5 times a week!  Now, with the little one, not only do we not have time to go places, but ordering food barely ever seems to be the first thing that comes to mind.  Not only does it save us some coin, but I have come to enjoy being in the kitchen and being in my "Zen" place; it has become quite therapeutic!  Oh yes, and we live in a small town with no franchise brand name restaurants.

#4: Give up my sense of style for comfort!  Wait, I'm not saying I have let myself go, or at least I don't think so, but the high heels, pretty blouses, dress pants, etc... are hiding in my closet behind my hoodies, jeans, tank tops and t-shirts!  Its just not plausible to wear those pretty things with an infant who constantly drools, spews, urinate, etc... on you and your clothes.  Also, pretty clothes are not made for breastfeeding!  Can you imagine unbuttoning a blouse when your crying child needs food?!?  I'm sure you can get real good at it, but too inconvenient for this mama!

I think this will be all for now!  Before you are all bored with me and never come back! (Just kidding!)

Cheers!! :)

Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

Today, April 29, 2011 is the day that Prince William and Kate Middleton are joined by their vows.

There has been quite a bit of hype regarding the "Wedding of the Century", but, I don't really get it.  Yes, he's a Prince, the Prince of the oldest known family, but so what!  It's a wedding!  We all have either had one or will be having one, for those of us who choose to.

So, you are right, I didn't get up to watch it.  Besides the fact that I didn't care to, my BB takes up a lot of my energy throughout the day, and I choose to sleep when he sleeps.

So, to record this event, I am blogging about it, briefly, as I will be spending a bit more time composing another one this weekend regarding more of the mommy things and ideas I am interested in.

Thursday 21 April 2011


Hello, and welcome to my blog!

Let's start out by introducing me to all of you.

My name is Michelle, a mom of a 4 1/2 month old baby boy, a wife to a lovely husband and a city girl living in a small town.  I am currently on maternity leave for the rest of 2011, so my days basically revolves around my little boy.

Well, let's get into the nitty gritty of why I decided to blog.

First of all, did I mention I live in a small town with an infant?!?  That means I am at home ALL DAY LONG, with no one to converse with, most of the time.  And being how much of a social butterfly I am, I NEED to talk! And when I mean talk, I mean grown up talk and not the "goo goo gaa gaa's" I spend all day saying to the baby. I can hear some of you say, "Well, just talk to him about the issues you want!"  Ha, I have tried that, and he just starts crying!!  I guess he thinks mommy is boring already!  You're thinking, "Well, how about the hubby?"   That's a good one! (LOL) Hey, I mean we talk, but look, when do men ever want to hear about every single detail you want to talk about?!?  They just want you to get to the point!  NO small talk!!

Now, let's get into the second reason why I decided to blog.  I just wanted to share!!  Opinions, recipes, cleaning tips...etc, the list just goes on!

You're thinking to yourself, "Why the name?"  Did I mention I'm a MOM?!?  I think that should explain the name, for the most part, and it just took me 3 1/2 hours to write this blog, which is probably under 250 words!